Japan XR
Science Forum 2021
Researchers and families around the world
Experience in virtual reality space
Creation of serendipity

[ Program (Japan time)]
17:00 Opening Ceremony
Moderator: Shuji Kitahara, Network of Japanese Researchers Overseas
Remarks: Chiron Initiative / UJA Takeya Adachi
Kai Shimagaki from Association of Young Physicists in Paris
Junichi Ihara from Ambassade du Japon en France
17:20 Parallel session "Microorganisms, immunity, public health"
Chair: Akira Goto, Yutaka Yoshii, Toshiki Eri
Speaker 1: Namiko Mitarai (Keynote)
Speaker 2: Ken Ishii (Keynote)
Speaker 3: Yusuke Shimakawa (Keynote)
Panel discussion "Humankind versus Infectious diseases"
Parallel session "Fusion of different fields"
Chair: Emi Murayama, Kai Shimagaki
Speaker 1: Kentaro Tomii (Keynote)
Speaker 2: Yukiko Matsunaga (Keynote)
Speaker 3: Takahiro Nemoto (Lecture by a young researcher in Paris)
Speaker 4: Ayako Yamada (Lecture by a young researcher in Paris)
19:00 Parallel session "Study abroad recommendation"
Chair: Yusuke Shimakawa, Kei Yamamoto
Speaker 1: Kaji Yamaichi
Speaker 2: Emi Murayama
Speaker 3: Sae Aizawa
Speaker 4: Yuki Kitahara
Panel discussion "What is your research life in France ?!"
Parallel session "Research Grant / Fellowship Information"
Chair: Yuki Imai, Takeya Adachi
Speaker 1: Hiroto Yasuura
Speaker 2: Yuki Imai
Speaker 3: Junko Fujimoto
Speaker 4: Masami Watanabe
Speaker 5: Takeya Adachi
20:00 Move from ZOOM to VR + break
20:20 Poster session (XR space)
21:00 Award Ceremony for the Cheiron-GIFTS 2021
Moderator: Keigo Kainuma, Managing Director of NPO Chiron Initiative
21:20 Award Ceremony for the Best Presenter Award
Moderator: Kai Shimagaki from Association of Young Physicists in Paris
Kosuke Yamaguchi from Diderot University / UMR7216
21:50 Closing Ceremony
Moderator: Shuji Kitahara from UJA
Remarks: Kazuhiko Saigo from JSPS Strasbourg Research Liaison Center
Emi Murayama from Paris Japanese Researchers Association
22:00 Exchange meeting
Parallel session
Held at two ZOOM venues
Online lecture
Zoom A venue
"Microorganisms, immunity, public health"
"Recommendation for studying abroad"
Zoom B venue
"Fusion of different fields''
"Research Grant / Fellowship Information"
"Microorganisms / Immune / Public Health"
The relationship between humans and infectious diseases is old, and from the dawn of history to the modern era, many of the diseases that threaten human life and life have been infectious diseases. Following the discovery of pathogenic microorganisms, the invention of vaccines, and the beginning of immunology by medical researchers such as Pasteur in the latter half of the 19th century, the discovery of antibiotics, the spread of vaccines and vaccinations, and the hygienic environment in the 20th century. The improvement has overcome many infectious diseases. However, even in modern times, emerging infectious diseases such as HIV, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, SARS, new influenza, and COVID-19 continue to threaten humankind, and the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria poses a major threat to humankind. On the other hand, research on indigenous microorganisms in the human body and environment is progressing, not only as a threat but also as a threat.
The symbiotic and symbiotic relationship between humans and microorganisms, and between microorganisms, is also a new research topic.
In this session, we invited three experts representing Japan and the world: Professor Namiko Mitarai of microbiology / mathematical model, Professor Ken Ishii of immunology / vaccine science, and Professor Yusuke Shimakawa of public health. You will give a lecture on each latest research. A panel discussion entitled "Battle between Humans and Infectious Diseases" was held with three of us who specialize in immunology and microbiology, and new strategies for confronting infectious diseases and humans and infectious diseases. I would like to discuss where the fight against infectious diseases is heading and deepen my understanding with you.

Akira Goto
INSERM / Strasbourg University

Toshiki Eri
Pasteur Institute

Yutaka Yoshii
Pasteur Institute
Session "Interdisciplinary Fusion"
All living things can maintain the normal activity of life phenomena because genes in cells produce proteins necessary for cell activity as appropriate, and proteins exert their functions by taking an appropriate three-dimensional structure. Therefore, the question of what kind of three-dimensional structure is required for protein function leads to the maintenance of normal cell function and understanding of the development of abnormal cells. In addition, various cell populations are used to evolve not only single cells but also pathogens existing in the environment to infect and coexist with cells, and for multicellular animals including humans to carry out complex life phenomena. It is also important to analyze from a macroscopic point of view whether the cells and tissues are controlled. In recent years, with the development of data-driven science and information science based on vast amounts of genomic information, it is becoming possible to predict and optimize protein conformation and function with high accuracy, and cell and virus evolution. On the other hand, there are high expectations for attempts to understand and control living tissues by accumulating protein / cell populations. As an example, in the field of regenerative medicine, the development of artificial blood vessels and the research of organoids, which are three-dimensional tissues that imitate living tissues, are being actively promoted.
In this session, we will focus on micro (molecular, cell) and macro (cell population, tissue) phenomena in the activities of living organisms, and are active in the front lines of biology, biotechnology, and bioinformatics. We will invite teachers from Japan and France to give a lecture on approaches to elucidating the activities of biological phenomena and their applications. I would like you to further expand your interests through active interaction with the speakers and the teachers, together with us as the chair.

Emi Murayama
Pasteur Institute / French National Institute of Public Health (INSERM)

Kai Shimagaki
Sorbonne University / Paris Young Physicist Association / Caretaker
Session "Study Abroad Recommendation"
According to a 2017 survey by the Japan Student Services Organization, English-speaking countries and Asian countries are ranked high as study abroad destinations for Japanese, but Germany is the 10th highest among EU member countries, and Europe is familiar to Japanese people. It cannot be said that it is a study abroad destination. There are many possible reasons why Europe is not selected as a familiar study abroad destination, such as being non-English-speaking and geographically distant. In addition to these, Japanese who are studying or studying abroad in Europe It is also possible that there are few opportunities to hear live voices about the actual experience of. Therefore, at the time of holding the Japan XR Science Forum 2021 in Paris, Japanese people living in France talk about their research life, research environment, good things about coming to France, and hardships that they rarely hear in Japan. We would like to provide opportunities for researchers to speak and refer to them for young researchers who are considering studying abroad in the future. This session will take the form of a roundtable discussion, and we would like to introduce a variety of global careers by having speakers from diverse backgrounds talk about their experiences and diverse lifestyles.
Speaker / Chair
Session "Research Grants / Fellowships"
Research grants and fellowships are indispensable for research activities both in Japan and overseas. In overseas research, fellowship is important for establishing a living foundation, and for those who study abroad with their families, various support for their families is also an important point. Furthermore, for those who are returning from overseas and planning to resume research activities in Japan, domestic information will be an extremely valuable factor in deciding where to return to Japan. In this session, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Researcher Development Program Comprehensive Support Project for Active Participation in the World" and "World-class Researcher Development by Local Concert: HIRAKU-Global", Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, International Human Frontier Science Program The Program (HFSP) Promotion Organization and the Keiron Initiative, an NPO that supports the families of researchers, will introduce various research grants and fellowship information to all participants.

Yuuki Imai
Ehime University Proteo-Science Center Pathological Physiology Analysis Division Director / Professor

Takeya Adachi
General Incorporated Association / US NPO Overseas Japanese Researcher Network (UJA) Chairman and Representative Director General Incorporated Association ASG-Keio Director NPO Cheiron Initiative Vice Chairman
Poster session
Poster registration is closed
It is opened in the virtual space
Academic societies that can be attended anywhere in the world

Various exchanges and research presentations are held at the venue set up in the VR space, just like a regular academic conference.
Panel discussions on posters are possible as in traditional conferences